Training and Development

Training and Educational Resources

The Association offers excellent training and educational resources for its Membership. In addition to making available the latest in training technology, CCBA also sponsors seminars and forums each year.  These forums provide an opportunity for Bottlers to interact and share successful strategies and best practices, while taking in new information and learning from various industry subject-matter specialists and experts.  People are our System’s greatest asset and an effective learning program is an investment in our people that can produce quantitative and qualitative dividends.


CCBA’s Learning Management System (LMS) is offered through a partnership with Digital Chalk.  The CCBA LMS is a comprehensive platform that is customized to the individual Bottling organizational requirements. This partnership also offers access to a broad spectrum of training material ranging from off-the-shelf content for almost any topic, to custom designed, interactive learning.  Participants can also create their own learning content within the tool. The platform also enables participating Bottlers to assign, track and run a variety of standard and customized reports to evaluate or audit compliance and performance across their organizations. 

Some of the training content offered by the Association includes:

Antitrust Training
√ Safety and OSHA
√ Fair Labor Standards (FLSA)
Cyber Security
Harassment Awareness
Avoiding Discrimination / Unconscious Bias
Drug and Alcohol Awareness
Drug-Free Workplace (Medication & Safety Training; Reasonable Suspicion)
Americans with Disabilities Act (for Managers)
√ Human Resources and Manager Compliance topics (e.g. handling FMLA / Maternity/Paternity or Military Leave; Firing Legally)
√ Custom courses to meet your particular needs

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