Other Programs

Commodities Hedging Programs

CCBA stewards unique commodities hedging programs for its Membership. These programs are supported by exceptional external advisors and offer members the potential for significant financial security. The processes around these programs are highly participatory and include a cross-Bottler Membership committee for oversight and decision-making. CCBA strongly encourages every Member to explore participation in these key programs.

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CCBA/Salient Margin Minder Program

Margin Minder – Sales and Trade Spend Management Solution

CCBA in conjunction with Salient has developed a program to make Margin Minder manageable and affordable for all Association members. Margin Minder is the industry’s leading sales and trade spend management solution and now it can be yours. CCBA and Salient together provide the tools and support you need to benefit from this management solution.

Margin Minder makes the marketplace entirely transparent. It captures the actual profit and growth added by sales transactions every day, and makes their value instantly visible. It eliminates delays, wasted time, hassle, guesswork and IT dependency, so the right information is always guaranteed to be at the fingertips of everyone who needs to know. What is the “right information? The facts that show how promotional discounting, product mix, deal duration and frequency affect profit and growth. With clear visuals of elasticity and lift, sales managers can optimize assortment, service levels, pricing and display inventory for maximum sell-down and minimum over-stocking and category cannibalization.

Margin Minder immediately reveals how promotional discounting, product mix, deal duration and frequency affect profit and growth. Now, your managers can get to the root cause quickly and easily! With clear visuals of elasticity and lift, sales managers can optimize assortment, pricing and display inventory for maximum sell-down, minimum over-stocking and reduced category cannibalization.

Margin Minder eliminates delays, wasted time, hassle, guesswork and IT dependency.

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Training and Educational Resources

The Association is an excellent training and educational resource for its Membership. In addition to making available the latest in training technology, we also sponsor seminars and forums each year where Bottlers have the opportunity to interact and share successful strategies and best practices, while taking in new information and learning from various industry subject-matter specialists and experts. Some of the training offered by the Association includes:

  • Antitrust Training
  • Safety and OSHA
  • HIPAA Privacy
  • Human Resources and EEOC
  • Financial Services
  • Drug-Free Workplace
  • Custom courses to meet your particular needs

Intellum, Inc. has been our Learning Management System (LMS) provider for the last five years. What started as simply solving a need for HIPAA privacy training and better antitrust training has now evolved into members using Intellum’s ExceedLMS platform to track all of the learning, including instructor-led, webinars, videos, e-learning, read/print/sign policy documents, CDLs… you name it.  We are excited about how far we have progressed since that first discussion in 2008, and we look forward to growing what we offer our members leveraging this platform into the future.  The partnership makes available to Bottlers a broad spectrum of material ranging from off-the-shelf training on a multitude of topics, to opportunities for Bottlers who participate in the Association’s insurance programs to load and use custom-developed materials.  www.intellum.com

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